Integrated Record and Information System

This database contains private and confidential information. Access to this information is subject to State and Federal privacy legislation. Only authorised persons should access this database.

You should not give your username and password to any other person. Please keep your password secret. All access to this application is logged and is subject to regular audits.

About IRIS

The Integrated Record and Information System (IRIS) has been developed to support Wesley Mission Queensland and it’s Community Service Programs to provide a standardised and consistent approach to service delivery for our clients.

Through IRIS, both staff and clients will be better enabled to participate in building relevant, individualised support plans and provide seamless support and referral pathways both internal and external to the organisation. The purpose of IRIS is to strengthen the work of WMQ by enhancing the client experience.

IRIS has been configured on the Infoxchange Service Record System (SRS), an online client Management system developed in partnership with the community services sector to increase efficiency and provide more meaningful outcomes


For the latest news on SRS including updates on recent releases go to News.

Need help using SRS?

If you experience any problems with this application please contact the service desk on (07) 3621 4523 or email at

SRS Support is also available via the SRS Online Help SRS Online Help website. The SRS online help also has a Frequently Asked Questions page.